New CAP!
Flower waters set the tone: a living, joyful, bright collection. An immersion in a Universen Fleurstel unmark to our nympheas emblematic silk square created for the Musée de l'Orangerie.
The waters of the ocean embody freedom, calm and serenity, the strength to sail towards a new horizonoù baudelaire whispers in our ear:
« You will cherish the sea ».
Beyond the meeting between two bright waters, two important universes for the Petrusse house, it is also the meeting between two unique worlds and know-how: India where the petrusian stoles are finely woven in the rules of the Art by rigorously selected craftsmen and France where we drew printing know-how.
Our Odyssey Dumade in Francese finds proudly in our emblematic products from the collection: LIN 100 % French, produced and woven in France, impressions in France in the greatest tradition and respect for materials, up to the finishes made in our workshop from which also a multitude of ideas, collaborations, products reinvented with logic revaluation of our unused tissues.
Petrusse between brilliantly in a lasting and responsible era where each stage of the chain is ethical, respected and thought to last.